How to use Factory Editor


When started, the FactoryEditor will look like this:

By moving your mouse over most widgets and areas, you should have help ballons popping to help you use the tool.

Set factory name and description Back to top

Start with filling the name of your factory and some description in the upper area:

Please note that you don't have to begin your name with 'FactoryAction' : this will be added automatically.

Set used types Back to top

Then enter the type of the objects you'll have to exchange in the bottom combo-box. Each entered type is added to the list.
Don't bother if you have typed something wrong, only types used in the actions input/output ports you'll later describe will be saved.
Don't try to be exhaustive, you will be able to complete this list at any time if you think some new type is needed.

Add an action Back to top

You're now ready to create ans specify actions, which will have to be repeated for each action you'll want to add
Push the "Add Action" button to create a new tab in the actions notebook:

You'll be prompted to give a name to your new action:

And a new tab will be generated in the action notebook:

In case of any mistake, you can delete an action by setecting it's tab in the notebook, then push the "Delete Action" button...

Set action name and description Back to top

Fill the name of your action and some description in the upper area:

Please note that you don't have to begin your name with 'Action' : this will be added automatically.

Set action input and output ports Back to top

In the "LoadMesh" action we're currently building, there's no input port (the action just read from file and output a mesh but do not receive anything as input). We will then directly move to output ports, but input ports specification is just as output port specification, except in a different tab of the notebook.
Select the "Output ports" tab of the action description notebook, and push the "Add Port" button in the bottom area of the action description:

a new port description area will appear.
Fill the port name and description, and use right mouse key to pop the type menu. You should see in this menu all the types you entered in the "Port types" combobox (and may at this stage complete the port type list by adding new types in the "Port types" combobox if needed).

You may add as many input and output ports as you need.

Set action parameters Back to top

Select now the "Parameters" tab of your notebook, and push the "Add Parameter" button in the bottom area of the action description:

a new parameter description area will appear.
Fill the parameter name and description, and use right mouse key to pop the type menu.
Please note that the VPE tools handle various types for parameters, but that the current version of the FactoryAction only handle the "string" type.

You may add as many parameters as you need.

Set action servers Back to top

If you're just designing your action factory, you may skip this step. If you're satisfied with the design and have successfully tested it in the MapEditor, then you'll need to fix the required servers as a last step before generating the C++ wrapper.
Select the "Servers" tab of your notebook, and push the "Add Server" button in the bottom area of the action description:

a new server description area will appear.
Fill the server type and description, and note that no 'FactoryObject' string is prepended to your type string.

Please note that the VPE tools handle several servers per actions, but that the current version of the FactoryAction only handle one.

Load and save individual actions Back to top

Loop over these instructions to define as many actions as you need.
Note that you may individually load/save actions, which is a convenient way to export them from one factory to another, or to build a library of actions in which to pick when designing factories. Use the "Load action" and "Save action" buttons for this :

When asked for a filename for saving, we suggest you choose a name of the form 'foo.action.xml'.

Load/save the factory, generate the C++ wrapper Back to top

Finish with saving your factory by pushing the "Save Factory" button.
You will be asked for a filename, and we suggest you choose a name of the form 'foo.factory.xml'.

If you're sure your factory is OK, you may also decide to generate the C++ wrapper for implementing it, by pushing the "Generate C++" button.
You'll be asked for a directory name under which a standard directory tree (see FactoryAction documentation) and files (IDL, headers, sources, Makefiles) will be generated.

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